Sunday, 11 June 2017

Review for The Witch's Kiss (The Witch's Kiss #1) by Katharine Corr & Elizabeth Corr: ★★★★

The Witch's KissThe Witch's Kiss by Katharine Corr

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

::..Reviewed for Red's Midnight Reader..::

I happened across the book by accident on Amazon and instantly the cover caught my attention, so I decided to give this book ago.

I am a big fan of young adult fantasy/paranormal stories and The Witch's Kiss did not disappoint!

Although this book has a slow build up, there is a lot of waiting about where either nothing much really happens or the same things keep happening but when the action really got going I couldn't put it down!

The story line is some what intriguing, history and legend interwoven with a modern day twist and it makes for a great read.

This author duo have not only managed to create a must read plot but have created characters you don't want to miss! Gran will have you laughing out loud, Leo is the brother you always wanted, Meredith will have you rooting for her and the bad guys will have you hiding behind your hands.

If you want a book filled with mystery, suspense and magic, this is definitely for you. I have given it 4 stars.


Can true love’s kiss save the day…?
Sixteeen-year-old Meredith is fed-up with her feuding family and feeling invisible at school – not to mention the witch magic that shoots out of her fingernails when she’s stressed. Then sweet, sensitive Jack comes into her life and she falls for him hard. The only problem is that he is periodically possessed by a destructive centuries-old curse. Meredith has lost her heart, but will she also lose her life? Or in true fairytale tradition, can true love’s kiss save the day?

Buy Now
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