Tuesday 25 June 2019

***Cover Re-Reveal*** The Oblivion Series by Barb Schuler

Cover Re-Reveal

The Oblivion Series By Barb Shuler 

A brand new look, the same great stories!

Title: Shifted
The Oblivion Series; Book 1
Publish Date: September 11, 2018
Cover Design: TE Black Designs 

My life has never been my own.

I lost my mother at birth. Then, I was sent to live with my father’s best friend and his pack when I was only six. My father abandoned me.

I was the lone vampire surrounded by furry protectors. My pack. My heart learned to heal with the help of my mate. I grew, I loved and I started to thrive.

Then.. it all started to change - I changed.

I came to life as a black-as-night panther. Fur, claws, and teeth ready to kill. Now, I have two sides that are fighting for control of one body. Now, people are after me because of my abilities.

We have to make a stand.
Either I fight or we all die. 

Title: Ravaged
The Oblivion Series; Book 2
Publish Date: September 18, 2018
Cover Design: TE Black Designs

My life has been chosen for me.

Hunger eats away at me with every breath I take - I have to fight to keep it inside. I have to stay hidden in a world that isn’t mine. My father is a vampire.

I, however, am much more.

There are secrets my father won’t tell me. Each day that passes, I can feel something inside me fighting to get free. The only time it’s quiet is when the stranger is around. My soul calls to his.

As the world around us starts to change, my true self starts to emerge. But the power inside, once set free, can’t be taken back.

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Title: Consumed
The Oblivion Series; Book 3
Publish Date: September 25, 2018
Cover Design by: TE Black Designs

I’m the catalyst to the power that has turned our world to chaos.

My father had to leave to keep me safe. I have been hidden with my mother’s clan since I was a young child. We were told my mother was killed by hunters while she was hunting.

That’s a lie. I felt her heartache and pain. I felt her loss of power as it was pulled from her. She died to keep me safe.

The hunters want me. They want the other two as well. I have to do all in my power to save us all. We have to find them while keeping what I am a secret.

Secrets, Lies and Deception.

We are all secrets, that once together will bring the world around us into balance once again.

We are the temperament, balance and serenity of our people.

Barb is a Carolina Girl by right and a Texan by birth. By day she’s a desk jockey for a rural transportation company and a book lover - reading through as many books as she can. At night though, she turns into her alter ego, a writer. Cape, optional, depending on her mood.

Her stories are a mix of real life events, her own personal experiences, the crazy workings of her imagination, and the imaginations of her best friends. And with their imaginations together, it can get a bit nutty at times. Barb writes in multiple genres, encounters new adventures, creates new worlds and has a fantastic time breathing life into new stories. Creating something she hopes inspires anyone who reads them to fall in love with them as much as she has.

Barb lives by one little rule, tomorrow is never guaranteed so make sure you live each day to its fullest.

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