Wednesday 10 July 2019

***PreOrder*** Game Changer by Sierra Hill

Title: Game Changer
Series: Change of Hearts Series Book One
Author: Sierra Hill
Genre: Single Daddy/Nanny Sports Romance
Release Date: July 25, 2019

Up until two years ago, I was living large and my life’s priorities were anchored to three things – my NBA stardom, money and celebrity. 

I was also a dick.

Until one night turned my world upside down and I suffered unspeakable loss. That event changed the man I was and made me a widowed-single father. 

Now I’m a desperate parent trying to raise my special needs son and find him a trustworthy live-in nanny.

Grad student Brooklyn Hayes may be the one, with her single-minded focus on caring for my son and finishing her Master’s degree. She’s the perfect fit for our needs.

Maybe too perfect…with her bright smile, nurturing kindness and gentle touch. Caleb isn’t the only one who’s fallen for her.

I don’t know when or how it happened, but she changed the game for me. Turning my losing streak into a winning second-half.

“So, tell me about the elusive Coach Garrett Parker. Is he as hot up-close-and-personal as he is down on the basketball court sidelines?” She sighs dreamily, a faraway look in her eyes. “He is so hot in that gray suit. And that scowl of concentration across his face? Oooh, makes me wonder if he wears the same expression when he fucks.”

She turns over onto her back and laughs huskily, toying with my shirt in her hands.

Honestly since attending the senior night basketball home game together this past March, all Peyton could talk about the entire game was how handsome the Associate Head Coach was, and how much she loved a man who hid all their assets under a well-tailored suit. While I agreed with her assessment at the time, noting that he did look very handsome, I was more into the game happening on the court to be gawking at the sidelines.

There is no doubt that Coach Parker wears that suit of his quite well. But now that I’ve seen him in person, wearing nothing but a T-shirt and track pants that showed off his toned, muscular frame, I’d say that is much more appealing to me.

And even more appealing? Those few minutes in his kitchen when he was bare-chested. Holy hell, I nearly tripped over my tongue and my own feet at the sight of his impressive torso and defined ab muscles that screamed, “Hey ladies, this ain’t your typical dad-bod.”

So yeah, I can understand Peyton’s attraction to Coach Parker, even if it’s absolutely, one-hundred percent off-limits and nothing I can do about it now that I’m his employee. I take my job seriously and am a professional. My focus needs to be on my career and fulfilling my obligations, not getting involved with a hot sexy single dad.

Plus, he most likely has a girlfriend. No man that good-looking would be without female attention.

“Listen, get that shit out of your head right now. Coach is my new boss and I can’t have you all googly-eyed over him. Otherwise, you’re never getting an invite to visit me.”

She blows a raspberry between her lips and I snatch the T-shirt out of her hands with a growl, placing it in the second open suitcase at the end of the bed.

“Come on, Brooklyn,” she hums breathlessly. “Just admit it one time. You think he’s hot, don’t you? And if you didn’t work for him, he’d be exactly your type. Tall, smart jock, even a little broody.”

She gives me a haughty wink, which I respond to with an overly-dramatized sigh.

“Sure, fine. Whatever. If things were different and I just met him like at a bar or a party somewhere, yeah. I wouldn’t hesitate. But that’s not how this is. So, you can just scrub those thoughts right out of your sex-crazed, overactive imagination and help me figure out what else I need to bring with me.”

Peyton jumps off the bed and rushes to my open chest of drawers, whipping out all my thongs and sexy, non-sports bra essentials. She dangles a lacy-white bralette in the air and whistles.

“This…you definitely need this one.”

I grunt with annoyance. “No, I definitely do not. I need to be comfortable because this job will be very physical and will require me to get down on my hands and knees a lot.”

Wrong thing to say.

Peyton tilts her head and pops her hip to the side, twirling the lacy bra in her fingers.

“Exactly my point. We’ve all heard the stories about daddies falling for their nannies. It’s so classic. Jude Law. Rob Lowe. Gavin Rossdale. Men just can’t help themselves when a hot young thing is under their roof. It’s just man vs. nature.”

“Stop with the clichés, Peyton. I mean it. You’re making my job sound sordid and sleazy. You know I’m not like that. I’m not becoming a nanny to land a rich guy. And Garrett is dealing with some pretty big life shit. I mean, his wife died and he’s raising his disabled son on his own. I can tell you one thing for certain, and that’s that Coach Parker is not looking to hop into bed with a nanny and complicate his life any further.”

Peyton remains silent, her only non-verbal response is through the lift of her eyebrows and tightly pursed lips. A look that says, “Yeah, right.”

Sierra writes and has published 22 new adult/erotic contemporary novels, including the award-winning series, Courting Love (college sports) and the erotic ménage serial, Reckless – The Smoky Mountain Trio.

Sierra lives with her husband and dog in the Seattle area and is a sucker for cheap accessories, loves anything dark chocolate, and enjoys attending traveling and attending live concerts.


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